When are you really lonely? When there are 100 people around you, and all of them are trying to talk to you, but none of them know who you really are? Or when you are laying in your bed crying because no one is listening to you? Or how about when you look at your reflection and you see a stranger? Well I have been through all three of those situations, and I must tell you. I felt alone all those times. But when you find someone that you can talk to about anything and they really understand who you are and what make you, you can just let go of everything. That person could be a friend, girl/boyfriend, or just someone you met online. You do not have to feel accepted. You do not have to feel like you are everyone else. Be yourself; do not do something because everyone else does it. Do it because you want to experience it. You are not everyone, you are you and no one is going to change that.

And if none of it works, just know that what you are is in you and will always be there for you. That is something that will be with you until you die. 

PALM | HSID: Neaz Ahmed

Alarm v1.2: Install only patched file & Serial Code: 378988985229
Atlas serial key is 5727
Bowling Deluxe 1.24 serial code : 32091407
Bap Soft: toss: REGISTRATION CODE: 45127852. Aero Frenzy serial: 48421871. Bubble Pop: 52783214 Blox: 62821235. Brixster: 74136421. Chain Reaction: 72256347. Crazy Combo: 31752794. Cross Nums: 32547342. Cubix : 22943153 . Deluxe Sudoku: 17328753. Deluxe Texas Hold'em: 71328563. Zippit : 12739265. Shuffle v1.5: 5837241.
Billiards: 765483297542.
Core player: dexs1j-5n9psj-j7xnjx-v0ux1n-jvxn11
ChessGenius version 2.3: k-3A0458-A653A4-2E1093.
Data viz v.11.003 reg num: 12345678-5535. Act num: 4E61-BC00AE60BD2A.
Dictionary Handmark. You can try this serial 63441245 or 88004209 through 88005209.
Edge game v 1.0 : SBA4-FP5U-NZBR
Fish tycoon registers code: 18506
Astaware: GTS palm v.1.-05 any version... Hellfire, try this: EWI4JCJ4 / cdwnmxk4 / dnp8toe4 / kjrmjhe3
ID Guard: from Resco HSID Neaz Ahmed: 18806
Resco Explorer : serial code:  10644
Russian Fools : 09191-01170
igor kanels soft : Aurora : 6617066077455 | Ezedit : 55067557666042 | Language Totur :11423113221066 | Switch off : 80151 | Postit : 11423113225377 | Postnote: 1289
Little palm pet serial code: 22977.
Lost in Pyramid serial code: crack install.
Monopoly serial code: 306524.
Mobi fish serial code: 5661
Mundu IM vs 2 register code: 8YVP 96PB DCES GA2E.
Noviiremote Deluxe: . Install tm_noviiremote.prc in your RAM then run it. It will generate the nr-license-key.PDB file on your palm
Pocket tunes universal key: v.5 : FJKU5-4FX24
Sky Force version: 24166 and reloaded 27461
Softick audio getway register code is: HWWM - X3JG - LLXL -JPW2.
Splash Photo serial: SP41-41-123456-371. Shopper money: sw57-72606952232.
Sudoku palm v1.50 if the astra id: 732160. Then try this: kjrmjhe3 / 0824f5/ 29040a.
TakePhone v 7.70 serial code: HSID Neaz Ahmed: 1207-30C7-03D0.
TouchLauncher 2.2 registers code: H3KRLU73VMRGTL93.
Warfare incorporated: if serial Number: C13EC-BA05-9DE3-DDE4
License key: K- 30B0A8 29040A-0824F5