an opportunity

If you miss an opportunity don’t feel your eyes with tears, it will hide your another better opportunity in front of you.

Changing the Face

Changing the Face” can change nothing but “Facing the Change” can change everything.

Law of Attraction

“People's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, whether they're aware of it or not. What you constantly focus upon WILL  manifest, whether you want it or not. If you have control over your thoughts, you will have control over your reality.”

Depth Psychology: “Until you make the Unconscious Conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Quantum Physics: “The Universe is like a Hologram and we are ALL part of it! Consciousness is very much a part of the equation, unlike what we believed so far... The observer and the observed cannot be separated.”

Alchemy: “The world has a soul, and anyone who understands that soul can also understand the language of all things. Many alchemists spent entire lifetimes realizing their destinies, and ultimately discovered the Soul of the World, the Philosopher’s Stone, and the Elixir of Life. But these things are all so simple they could be written on the surface of an emerald.”

Honesty, a safe policy

One the other day , i had gone to a music store to buy a blank CD. Unfortunately, the shopkeeper did not have any change for the Tk 500 note that i gave him. So he politely apologized and asked me to wait while one of his boys ran out to get the change, science he could not find any . the shopkeeper then told me that i could come back without the change. since he could not find any. The shopkeeper then told me that i could come back later and give him to keep my address and contact number, the shopkeeper just smiled and said that it was not necessary. I did not return  next day, But went back only after a week or so . Upon entering the shop to return the money, the shopkeeper gave me a big smile and even gave a sigh of relief upon seeing me . i guess he thought it was worth trusting my honesty, which was showing on his glowing smile while taking the money from my hand! 

My School LIfe

my friend i am not good student,but i always stood 10 position in the class. how ever i am always funny and freindly to all specielly in the examination. but the thing is that i changed 12 differnt school in my 10 years (no need to mention all) any way because of my father always get transfard form one place to another i have traveled all over the bangladesh.
anway lets say that i dont know how many friend i had in my school time which is uncountabe. but my best friend was Ronny, sha-alam, faruq, sumon and so on i always loved song iam also a musican i mean a guteriest any way i alway dream that i if i could creat a band . thoes hard time any one wants to be like me. as time goes be , season changed , days trund into month and month truned into year . now i am studying in BBA in Asian University of Bangladesh .(3rd years) Now i have a band we alreay realised one song in MIxed album . But i lost my school friends i dont know where are they are the alive .
form this massege i like to say to my friend i still love you and i am missing you always. by by friend no more now

i hope all my friend are wishes to read my next blog

my life is full of adventure which i cann´t finished one day
until good bye

99 Name of Allah Almighty 10

هُوَ اللَّه

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet), it means a personality to whom at the time of danger get a shelter.The one whose sovereignty has to be accepted unconditionaly, whose authority is indisputable and his decree has to be obeyed. In Quran the word Allah Almighty has said to be God Almighty personality and rest of the names are reflecting Allah Almighty "Siffat" attributes.
[ Reference: Surah An Nur - Verse 35 ]

الَّذِي لاَ إِلَهَ

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" means that Allah Almighty is the only one whose power and authority must be confess. There is non other than him to whom every one surrender.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hashr - Verse 22 ]

إِلاَّ هُوَ

According to Arabic lexicon this "Sift" described as that Allah Almighty is the only power and sovereign of the universe.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hashr - Verse 22 ]

Ar Rahman

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one and only who provide's provision for the development on urgent basis either that is required by human bieng, other species or any thing which exist in this infinite universe.
[ Reference: Surah Al Fatiah - Verse 2 ]

Ar Rahim

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one and only who Provide resources, provisions on regular and continuous basis with out any disruption to all of his creation.
[ Reference: Surah Al Fatiah - Verse 2 ]

Al Malik

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet/ Lane) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the only powerful authority on whose support every thing of the universe is completly dependent. The one who run's an entire machinery of the universe (including humans).It is run with great perfection and because of this attribute every one get their need fulfilled and accordingly.
[ Reference: Surah Al Muminun - Verse 116 ]

Al Quddus

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Lane) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the only powerful who have authority on Everything in the heavens and on earth is actively busy fulfilling the designated programme of the Almighty Allah, the Sovereign, whose power and authority has no limits. He has full control over everything and exercises this control with wisdom.
[ Reference: Surah Al Jumuah - Verse 23 ]

As Salam

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the only one who protects everything in the universe from the effects of destructive forces and nothing is outside the umbrella of His guardianship. He has kept everything bound strictly within His Laws so that these may not disperse here and there and disturb the universal system.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hashr - Verse 23 ]

Al Mumin

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Lane) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who give's protection to entire universe.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hashr - Verse 23 ]

Al Muhaymin

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that he protects the universe like a mother who take care of her oppsprings.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hashr - Verse 23 ]

99 Name of Allah Almighty 60


Al Mani

According to Arabic Lexicon (Raghib),this "Sift" of Allah Almighty described as the one who stop's from doing unlawful actions according to his laws of cause and effect and secure His beings by refraining them.
[ Reference: Quran ]


Ad Darr

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as the One who has made laws so any one who do positive things (according to Quran instruction) they will be rewarded the one who goes for negative actions will be rewarded according to the same laws. Allah Almighty is supreme enough to inflict any harm to his creation who so ever he likes's ( it is a misconcept that Allah Almighty harms any one whom he want).

[ Reference: Quran ]


An Nafi

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as, The one who provide's the items of benefits which gives prosperity and safety, all these benefits are bind tofether in a dischpline and one can get it by abiding the laws of universe.

[ Reference: Quran ]


An Nur

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as, The one who provide's light to show every one a right path and in the case of human beings Allah Almighty Amighty has sent his messengers with divine instructions these instructions were guidance to all mankind. Now final and the last instructions are in the Quran so the Quran is a light for all mankind (if one ponder).
[ Reference: Surah An Nur - Verse 35 ]

Al Waris

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who has the owner ship of every single thing which exists in this universe. Allah Almighty hand it over these things to human beings according to His laws of nature and Divine prinicples.


Al Hadi

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who shows the right and clear path, direction, way, destination, reaching point. And this direction has been mentioned / shown in the Quran.
[ Reference: Surah Al Furqan - verse 31]


Al Badi

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute described as Allah Almighty is a one who is in the heavens and the earth and everything there in devoutly follows His Laws. Allah Almighty is Omnipotent and has brought such a colossal universe into existence from nothingness .

[ Reference: Surah Al Baqrah - Verse 117 ]


Al Baqi

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that the laws have been given by that Rabb (Allah Almighty ) Who is beyond any change and is full of majesty, glory and honour.
[ Reference: Surah Ar Rahman - Verse 27 ]


Ar Rasheed

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who show's the right path and in the presence of his guidance no one need others help and reach at highest point of success and glory.

[ Reference: Quran ]


As Sabur

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Lane) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that He is the one who is persistently monitoring His creation, make them balance so they do not fall.
[ Reference: Surah Al Anfal - Verse 46 ]

99 Name of Allah Almighty 90


At Tawwab

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" of Allah Almighty described as the one who accepts repentance from all those who want to come back on to right path (Allah Almighty Path) and start working according to His laws.


Al Muntaqim

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as the One whose retribution is based on the laws of cause and effect and his retribution is imminent.
[ Reference: Surah Az Zukhruf - Verse 41 ]


Al Afuww

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as, His system of Rabubiyyat (nurture), which is spread all over the universe. Its objective is to develop and nourish every living being .

[ Reference: Surah Ash Shura - verse 30 ]


Ar Rauf

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who protect's from the ill-effects of the insinuations made about you and also receive means of protection and development.
[ Reference: Surah Al Imran - Verse 30 & 31 ]


Malik Al-Mulk

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the external universe provides evidence regarding the operation of Allah Almighty laws which are inexorable. Everything in the universe receives sustenance beyond measure. He own's every thing of this universe.
[ Reference: Surah Al Imran - verse 26 ]


Dhul Jalal Wal Ikram

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute described as This discipline and order is not of a universe, that was created once and for all with no subsequent change ever occurring there in. Everything in the universe undergoes changes all the time, but these have no effect on the Divine Laws. The laws have been given by that Rabb (Nourisher) Who is beyond any change and is full of majesty, glory and honour.
[ Reference: Surah Ar Rahman - Verse 27 ]


Al Muqsit

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that the one who is a greatest Judge and whose judgment is judged on just.
[ Reference: Surah Al Maidah - Verse 42 ]


Aj Jami

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the only one who gathers and puts in order all the creations of Him in the universe with a perfect harmony. According to his laws of creation every thing has intact together with out any resistance.
[ Reference: Quran ]

Al Ghaniyy

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that, He is the self sufficient. Whatever is in the universe belongs to Him.
[ Reference: Surah Yunus - Verse 68 ]


Al Mughni

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that Allah Almighty 's Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat (Laws of Nourishment) makes arrangements to fulfill the basic necessities of life in a manner that no one remains dependent on others. He bestows on him things which give peace and tranquillity .
[ Reference: Surah An Najm - Verse 48 ]

99 Name of Allah Almighty 80


    Al Qadir

According to Arabic Lexicon ,this "Sift" of Allah Almighty described as the one who have all power and authority in the entire universe belongs to Allah Almighty alone. He creates what He wishes and provides a measure for everything .
[ Reference: Surah Al Maidah - Verse 17 ]


    Al Muqtadir

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as that, every action has occured in accordance with Allah Almighty Almigthy laws of cause and effect.

[ Reference: Surah Al Kahf - Verse 45 ]


 Al Muqaddim

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as, the forewarner, Whoever deserves to be advanced, presenter, preferred or favoured over others, the Almighty .

[ Reference: Quran ]


    Al Muakhkhir

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Lisan ul Arab) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that there is nothing like him in ( power, creaion, mercy) He is a nourisher of every thing since the begning of every thing and till the last of everyone's existence.
[ Reference: Quran ]


    Al Awwal

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that God Almighty is above and beyond time and space, He is a First. For Him there is no beginning and no end.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hadid - Verse 3 ]


   Al Akhir

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that God Almighty is above and beyond time and space, He would be the last. For Him there is no beginning and no end .
[ Reference: Surah Al Hadid - Verse 3 ]


   Az Zahir

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute described as that Allah Almighty He overpowers everything but this power is invisible and works imperceptively. Law is always invisible and non-physical. However its results can be perceived .

[ Reference: Surah Al Hadid - Verse 3 ]


    Al Batin

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that His attributes of creation and Rabubiyyat (Nourishment) are the visible manifestations of His being, but His being is invisible to the human eyes.
[ Reference: Surah Al Hadid - Verse 3 ]


    Al Wali

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the only One who becomes the protector and guardian of people who are righteous and guard the Divine Laws .
[ Reference: Surah Al Jathiya - Verse 19 ]


    Al Mutaali

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who is extremly sublime, his authority is on every one, the highest of all.
[ Reference: Surah Ar Rad - Verse 9 ]


    Al Barr

According to Arabic Lexicon (TaJ) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that he is the one who give's abundance in provision, open the ways, and provide vastness to one's personality who follows His laws.
[ Reference: Surah Al Baqrah - Verse 177 ]