99 Name of Allah Almighty 20

Al Fattah

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet /Raghib),this "Sift" of Allah Almighty described as the one who made big decisions. He who opens the solution to all problems and eliminates obstacles. "Sovereign".
[ Reference: Surah Saba - Verse 26 ]

Al Alim

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as the One who have an infinite but definite knowledge of every thing.He who knows every thing.
[ Reference: Surah Luqman - Verse 34 ]


Al Qabid

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as, The one who has a grip / grasp on every thing.Allah Almighty is an undisputed owner of every tangible and non tangible things . He who constrict's, restricts and gives what any one need.

[ Reference: Quran ]

Al Basit

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Ibn-e-Faris/ Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who letting his things expand. The one who made these things available for others so they can fulfill their needs but utlize it accordingly. For human beings Allah Almighty has said that explore the things and after that they should'nt alone enjoy its boons but they should also share it with entire mankind.
[ Reference: Surah Al Isra - Verse 27 ]


Al Khafid

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who provides peace,tranquility and comfort. His blessings has covered every one and he look's after every one.
[ Reference: The Quran]


Ar Rafi

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Raghib) this "Sift" attribute described as Allah Almighty is a one who raise ranks and uplifts whom he consider.
[ Reference: Surah Al Anam - Verse 165 ]


Al Muiz

Allah Almighty has made laws according to that one get glory, dignity, and respect. .
[ Reference: Surah Al Imran - Verse 25 ]


Al Muthil

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj ) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that one (human biengs) get degraded or disrespect accroding to his laws of cause and effect no one is their who can escape from the cosequences of what they do.
[ Reference: Surah Al Imran - Verse 25 ]

As Sami

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that he is the one who listen to every one supplicate, wether people implore him in loud or silently. Even Allah Almighty knows the thougts of every one. He is all-hearing.
[ Reference: Surah Ash Shura - Verse 11 ]

Al Basir

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj ) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that he monitor's ever thing , there is nothing in this universe which escape from his sight. Surely all your deeds are under constant monitoring by Allah's Law of cause and effect.
[ Reference: Surah Al Baqrah - Verse 110 ]

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