99 Name of Allah Almighty 70


Al Mubdi

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" of Allah Almighty described as, that the complete authority and power rests with Allah Almighty .
[ Reference: Surah Al Ankabut - Verse 19 ]


Al Muid

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as the One who Allah Almighty who can initiate the creation of a thing and then, passing it through various stages of evolution, bring it to its destination .
[ Reference: Surah Yunus - Verse 33/34 ]


Ash Muhyi

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty Almighy has described as that he give's life and causes death according to His law of Mukaf'at (cause and effect).

[ Reference: Al Araf - Verse 158 ]


Al Mumit

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who give's Life and death (for individuals as well as nations) are determined according to God's Laws .
[ Reference: Surah Al Muminun - Verse 80 ]

Al Hayy

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who is ever-living. Everyone else gets life from Him .
[ Reference: Surah Mu·min - Verse 65 ]

Al Qayyum

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute described as Allah Almighty is ever-living and self-subsisting.
[ Reference: Surah Taha - Verse 111 ]


Al Wajid

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as that He is the one who provided protection and shelter; and guide those who want guidance according to his laws.
[ Reference: Surah Ad Duha - Verse 6 / 7 ]


Al Majid

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who has kept the central control, which is extremely powerful and exalted, in His own Hands .
[ Reference: Surah Al Buruj - Verse 15 ]


Al Wahid

According to Arabic Lexicon (Taj / Muheet) this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described as the one who is the only authority,match less, no one is like him .
[ Reference: Surah An Nisa - Verse 171 ]


Al Samad

According to Arabic Lexicon this "Sift" attribute of Allah Almighty described that He is self-sufficient and everything else is dependent on Him for its survival, nourishment and development. He is like a firmly established lofty rock which itself is safe from all dangers. And everyone else rushes towards it for seeking safety and protection from deluge.
[ Reference: Surah Al Ikhlas - Verse 2 ]

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